
Moral Innovators perspectives on Genocide

2024 is the 30th anniversary of the Rwanda genocide that Gregory Stanton first translated into identifiable stages of Genocide back in 1996. With our imperfect republic in the USA, we are breeding the next generation of dictators who support genocide.

An egotistical narcissist stole the election in 2016 after losing the popular vote by 3 million and is running again in 2024. He is EN1. There is a second egotistical narcissist in Israel who is holding on to power after killing more than 32,000 innocent civilians and injuring more than 70,000 people plus hostage under the premise he is defending Israel. He is EN2. Hamas is a terrorist group that Israel has strengthened its will to exist with these Israeli atrocities. The path to peace is to follow the Balfour and all other declarations that two states must exist with equal rights. The nearly total destruction of the Palestinian infrastructure will mean more investments will be needed to rebuild Palestinian territory.

We are inundated with misinformation. Let us change by focusing on a sustainable path to progress through knowledge and encourage our children make decisions based on knowledge, not beliefs. USA would not have existed without the Caucasian immigrants that arrived 500 years ago. In fact, it was the Caucasians who brought smallpox that killed many Native Americans. Knowledge can only be improved.

Beyond EN1 and EN2, there is a group of Japanese leaders who refused to admit Japan invaded China. Japanese education of their children have been silent on the invasion of China. Furthermore, Japan has not followed the 1943 Cairo Declaration and leave Ryukyu Islands after taking occupation in 1879.

American exceptionalism has been losing credibility when USA and Japan have agreements that Ryukyu belongs to Japan and Hawaii belongs to USA. While it is silent in the 1943 Cairo Declaration, USA took Hawaii in 1893 and made Hawaii the 50th state in 1959. Compare this to Ryukyu that Japan took in 1879 and, after USA took over between 1945-1972 and constructed military bases, given to Japan in 1972 with the known USA military bases. To be a global leader, USA must lead with consistency, not by exception.

The 10 stages of genocide are: 1) Classification, 2) Symbolization, 3) Discrimination, 4) Dehumanization, 5) Organization, 6) Polarization, 7) Preparation, 8) Persecution, 9) Extermination, and 10) Denial. EN1 is already at stage 5 against immigrants and at stage 7 for the 2024 Presidential elections. EN2 is all the way to stage 9/10 against Palestinians.

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Moral Innovators’ Perspectives on Japan – Part 3, Shintoism and Japanese blind obedience

Shintoism believes that the Japanese Emperor is the only son of heaven, to be unquestionably obeyed.  There are millions of kami (i.e. Gods) such as the creator of Japan named Izanagi (伊弊諾) for the 128 million living Japanese to pay respect, while surrounded by all dead Japanese (i.e. ghosts).  In this polytheistic environment, 70% of Japanese believe in Shintoism, and almost all follow Buddhist values.

Japan was an insulated community until 500 years ago.  The Portuguese Magellan arrived as part of a Spanish expedition to claim Japan as part of the Tordesillas and Zaragoza Treaties.  Some Japanese slaves, especially women, were captured and shipped to Europe and other parts of the world.

Until 1868, there were two dimensions of “protection” around the Japanese son of heaven:  Samurai warriors and Daimyos feudal lords.  Shogun was the military commander of Japan over both Samurai and Daimyos.  Often, Shogun had more power than the son of heaven. 

Shoguns expelled Christian Europeans for several hundred years, just as a Daimyos Toyotomi Hideyoshi (豐臣 秀吉, 1537-1598) emulated Portugal’s claim on Japan by claiming Korea and China.  Hideyoshi invaded and captured Korea in 1592, before Korea joined forces with China to defeat Japan. 

When US Commodore Perry reached Japan in 1853, Japan already knew China’s inability to defend against the Christians’ illegal opium import into China against Chinese law.  Japan signed the 1854 Treaty of Kanagawa when Commodore Perry returned, and implemented Meiji Restoration in 1868.

Like Hideyoshi, Tanaka Chigaku (田中智學 1861-1939) emulated the Portuguese by declaring Hakka Ichiu – the world belongs to Japan.  Japan invited Britain to train its Navy, France to train its Army, and aligned with Germany.  Togo Heihachiro (東郷 平八郎, 1848-1934) studied in Britain between 1871-78, and declared he was a reincarnated Britain Naval Commander after beating China in 1895 and Russia in 1905.

Japanese Emperor Hirohito (裕仁1901-1989) visited both Asia and Europe as a Prince.  His Prime Minister Fumimaro Konoe (近衞 文麿, 1891-1945) highlighted Hakka Ichiu again on January 8th, 1940, after Japan invaded China and started a puppet government.  Hirohito’s Japan used chemical weapons against Chinese at least 375 times in Wuhan in 1938 alone.  Japan abused refugees and bypassed international laws by not using the terms “war” and “prisoners of war.”  Since the world belongs to Japan under Hakka Ichiu… why not bomb Pearl Harbor too?

Japan surrendered after Little Boy and Fat Man destroyed Hiroshima and Nagasaki, but Hirohito was never prosecuted for war crimes against humanity.  Instead, Japan used US intellectual properties to develop consumer electronics before the Japanese entries into automobile and other industries.  Japan also saved trillions of dollars over 75 years for accepting US agreement to defend Japan.  In other words, Japan took trillions of dollars from USA to redress the use of atomic bombs. 

The current Japanese Emperor does not have as much power, but he is still the only Shinto son of heaven.  He can call for a realistic history curriculum in Japan that is strictly controlled.  Today, Japanese students either 1) do not know the Japanese aggression or 2) learn wars were fought to defend Japan. 


Moral Innovators’ Perspectives on Japan – Part 2, Insulated National Pride to learn from global leaders

In 1940, Japan celebrated 2,600 years of arrival of Jimmu, the God/son of heaven.  In other words, the arrival of Jimmu was around the time of Confucius in China.  It is less clear if Japan had interactions with India or the rest of the world 2,680 years ago.

Moral Innovators know that, especially during the Tang Dynasty 1,400 years ago, Japan sent tens of thousands of scholars over hundreds of years to learn the Chinese culture.  China was the world’s largest economy and freely exported Chinese writing, culture, sciences and technology to Japan.

Text Box: Ryukyu

Today, any Chinese person can travel within Japan and recognize about 50% of the road signs and directions to reach different locations in Japan, without speaking Japanese.

200 years ago, European Christians could not produce enough products that China wanted to buy in exchange for the silk, porcelain, tea, and other products Chinese produced and sold worldwide.  The British government immorally decided to give monopoly power to trade the illicit drug opium to the British East India Company in 1773 when Britain was about to lose their North Amerian terriority to the United States.  Through two opium wars that ended in the year 1860, European and Russian Christians ravaged China by pushing illegal opium to Chinese citizens.  This is relevant to Japan in the context that when Commodore Perry reached Japan in 1853, in the middle of the second opium war, Japan already knew the devastation in China that could not defend China.  What Japan saw was – Japan could be next.

Quick to react to the US offer to trade, Japan accepted the US demands to trade, and within 15 years, abandoned the Shogun/Sumarai tradition and implemented Meiji Restoration in 1868.  This was a direct impact of the violent destruction of China that Japan observed due the illegally imported opium.

Using Tordesillas and Zaragoza Treaties where Portugal and Spain claimed the world as a reference, Japan and USA signed agreements where Japan recognized Hawaii as US territory, and US recognized Ryukyu as Japanese territory.  Further, Japan received compensation for hosting the largest US military base in Asia, located on Ryukyu after it was renamed Okinawa by the Japanese government.  Japanese value obedience over morality, as illustrated when the Japanese Prime Minister went out of his way to please the racist Donald Trump by nominating Trump for the Nobel Peace Prize.

Part 3 introduces the Japanese values through Shintoism, the polytheistic religion that united the Japanese to blindly obey their emperor, the only recognized son of heaven in Japan.


Moral Innovators’ Perspective on Japan – Part 1, Origins

Moral Innovators believe that over 90% of humanity are Monotheists (Christians and Muslims), Henotheists (Indians) and Atheists (Chinese).  A large portion of the remaining human community is the 128 million Japanese who are devoted polytheists and value obedience higher than morality.

If you read the origins of the Japanese people, you can get as far as ainu people to be the first “indigenous Japanese” with little reference to where ainu people come from.  There is reference to Jomon that dates back about 15,000 years, and the oldest artifact is about 24,000 years old.  What is blatantly clear but explicitly ignored are the facts that:

  1. 24,000 years ago, there were foot bridges from Asia to the Americas, so Japan was not an island. Japan was part of mainland Asia at that time.  The last ice age ended about 20,000 years ago, when sea level increased by about 400 feet.  In geological terms, this was a sudden rise in sea level that broke the Asia foot bridges to the Americas.  The higher sea level also created the Japanese islands.
  2. Japanese do not like to confirm their Chinese origins:  Chinese used fire to cook food in caves 1 million years ago, Peking Men were 300,000 to 750,000 years old.  Instead, Japanese are exploring the Altai mountain region where 40,000 year-old Denisova hominid have been found.  Some Koreans believe the Chinese emperors recruited the people from Altai to help and protect the Korean peninsula, and the most popular name in Korea, Kim, originated from the Altai region.  With what we know today, it is very realistic that children of the Peking Men traveled to Altai Mountains to create human communities that eventually ventured north east toward the Americas.  Some of them turned south earlier and reached northern Japan.  It is also realistic that the Koreans walked past the foot bridges to reach southern Japan as the first Japanese.
Text Box: There were many land bridges over 20,000 years ago between Asia and North America.  For anyone walking to North America, making an early turn right would reach northern Japan.  It is also realistic that the first southern Japanese were Koreans 20,000 years ago.

Moral Innovators support the pursuit of knowledge, and the Japanese efforts to pursue their origins in places like Altai Mountains should be encouraged.  Even if the Japanese found evidence of their ancestry in Altai Mountains which some Koreans already believe, there is no getting around their Chinese origins.

Part 2 introduces a key attribute of the Japanese – devotion of the Japanese to follow the global leader – China between 1,000 to 2,000 years ago, and USA today.

Introduction, Overview

Moral Innovator perspectives on globalization and you

We have a lot more flexibility on deciding where we live today than 50 years ago. The more languages, skills, and cultures we acquire, the more options we have around the world in the next 50 years.

The pace for globalization accelerated when companies sought lower cost manufacturing in places like China after 1978. In fact the first wave started after World War II when Japan did not have to spend billions of US dollars for defense each year because USA committed to defend Japan if attacked. This was a form of subsidy that drove Japan to pursue consumer electronics like radios, cameras, televisions music players; followed by automobiles and industrial products like ships and aircraft. Japan is starting to export (again with USA help) in new industries that include licensed production of military equipment. This is very dangerous for a country like Japan that has not sincerely atoned for the atrocities committed during World War II and convicted war criminals are memorialized after leading soldiers that killed millions of civilians such as killing 300,000 people (and raping 20,000 women) in 40 days during the Nanjing Massacre; 1 million Chinese subjected to human experimentation of chemical and biological weapons (that are still being excavated in China today) mostly with Japanese Unit 731 stationed in China; and at least 1.5 million forced laborers, including at least 400,000 innocent Asian ladies captured in over 400 “comfort stations” that were sexually raped multiple times daily by Japanese soldiers for years. It is a lot easier to forgive after the Japanese learn to sincerely atone like the Germans have for the Nazis.

After the war, Americans like Edward Deming helped Japan with continuous improvements by focusing on total quality and now lean manufacturing that currently captures a good chunk of US market. Toyota, for example, established a Research and Development center in Detroit to sustain innovations.

Without USA subsidies, the four Asian Tigers (South Korea, Taiwan, Hong Kong and Singapore) focused on certain industries and achieved high per capita income (i.e. industrialized) alongside Japan.

China became the mother-ship that facilitated globalization since the open door policy started in 1978. Today, China is again the largest economy on earth on PPP basis, as Vietnam, Philippines, and other countries are sustaining this first wave of globalization.

The second wave of globalization started with corporate inversion, when companies located in higher tax countries relocate to lower tax countries to save billions of dollars of corporate taxes. Among the earlier inversion companies was Tyco, the company that was partially responsible for the fraudulent business practices that drove the internal controls requirements which led to Sarbanes Oxley Act and higher cost of compliance. The aggregate cost of compliance with laws like Sarbanes Oxley; taxation on global income; and higher USA personnel costs translated into billions of dollars of savings just to move corporate headquarters to a lower tax location. The beneficiaries are the corporate shareholders and executives who understand the risks and complexity associated with inversion.

The third wave of globalization started with individuals who are not bound by localities, or individuals who have the option to become dual- or multi- country citizens. There are more than 200,000 French citizens in England partly because the top individual tax rate in France is 75% compared to England’s 45%. Similarly, Chinese citizens subject to 45% maximum individual tax rate are motivated to move to Hong Kong where the maximum individual tax rate is 15%. This assumes we have preferences to be close to native cultures (e.g. France and England are nearby Christian nations and Hong Kong is part of China). While USA taxes citizens and residents on global income, there are plenty of people who moved to Maldives or Bermuda partly because these places have no personal income taxes. This is the global version of choosing to live in Nevada or Washington where there is no State Income Tax, or Delaware where there is no Sales Tax.

We will have more and more flexibility to decide where we choose to live as we understand our major parameters (e.g. family, education, language, job opportunities; climate; health care; safety; different forms of tax – property, income, sales, etc; cultural affinity – Christians, Muslims, Indians and Chinese; and convenience – passport requirements for travel, comfort of living, etc). The more languages, skills and cultures that we feel comfortable, the more options we have to choose where we want to be around the world. In the longer run, national boundaries will become less and less relevant.

Remember Moral Innovators’ motto: Thrive with knowledge of your place in the world. Do the right things and make it better.
